Beaucare United Kingdom


A mastopexy or breast uplift can reduce the size of the breasts, correct hanging breasts or a possible difference in size. Thanks to a breast uplift women can get harmonious breasts, which are in accordance with their morphology.


A mastopexy or breast uplift involves excessive skin to be removed.

he nipple and the areola will stay connected to the mammary gland tissue and will be rearranged to a higher position. The skin around the areala will be brought together along the underside.

When the nipple is very low, more skin will need to be removed in order to create a nice breast shape. Women who are not satisfied with their volume, may choose to get a breast prosthesis at the same time.

A mastopexy or breast uplift takes two to three hours. You can return home the same day, but should be accompanied by a friend or relative.


During a breast uplift, subcutaneous drains (fine tubes) are sometimes placed to drain off excess wound fluid. These tubes will be removed after two to three days.

The first month after the surgery you need to wear a special supportive bra. This bra will support your breasts and will be fitted immediately after your surgery.

During your recovery, heavy efforts should be avoided. Most patients get back to work one week after their breast uplift.

« Will scars be visible after a breast uplift? »

Thanks to our advanced techniques of breast uplift or mastopexy scars will become nearly invisible one year after the surgery. Scars may be reddish at first, but will fade in time. Our plastic surgeon uses an advanced technique without incisions (and scars) in the breast fold. So, the inverted T or the so-called anchor scar belongs to the past. The aesthetic result is now far more beautiful.

In the beginning the scars of a breast uplift will be reddish, but they will gradually fade and become smoother. To expedite the healing process scars may be massaged with a moisturizing lotion as from two weeks after the surgery.

Exceptionally, the surgeon needs to slightly correct the scar of a breast uplift. Depending on the technique used, this correction will be either done under local or general anaesthetic. You may certainly expect a satisfactory result.

The BeauCare quality

Breast: Prices in Euros

Breast enlargement with cohesive gel silicone-filled implants with micro textured surface from 200 cc to 600 cc 3300
VAT incl.
Replacement breast implants 3300
VAT incl.
Breast reduction 3600 – 4950
VAT incl.
Breast uplift without implants 3600 – 4650
VAT incl.
Breast uplift with implants 5950 - 6950
VAT incl.
Capsular contracture Additional cost of 950
VAT incl.
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