Home Surgeries Breast implants

Clinic BeauCare only uses last generation breast implants : cohesive silicone breast implants which will create a nicer breast shape. The new cohesive silicone gel filled implants are more solid and are safer. The filling won’t spread into the body in case of rupture.


There are many kinds of breast implants which may vary in filling, shape, size, surface and off course quality. You should be well informed about the different types.

Our surgeons only use the best quality of breast implants. They will explain you the different types of breast implants which could be offered.

Breast implants have a covering and a filling.

The covering is often silicone and our clinic only uses the cohesive silicone gel filled implants. Furthermore there are round and teardrop implants, the covering may be smooth or rough, but our breast implants are always 100% safe and medically approved.

NOTE : The size of breast implants is expressed in grams or in cc and a cup size is very subjective.


We advise our patients to choose a size of breast implant in proportion to their morphology. Off course also higher volumes may be considered. Also the profile of the breast implant is important.

The profile of a breast implant will determine the way the upper part of the breasts is filled and how the breast will look in certain clothing. For the same size there exists three profiles:

  • Low profile is wide and flat and will give minimum projection,
  • Moderate profile has a more narrow width and gives more projection,
  • High profile implants have a smaller base and project more outward. This type of implant will fill the upper part of the breasts.
The BeauCare quality
  • warranty 10 years at Clinic BeauCare on breast implants
  • Warranty 1 year on internevtion at BeauCare
  • warranty ward 2016 BeauCare


Breast implants are quickly experienced as a part of the body. However your body may consider this implant as a foreign object and create a layer around the implant. With some breast implants you run less risk of capsular contracture than with other ones. Therefore you should be well informed on the different kinds of breast implants.


How often do breast implant sneed to be changed?

When it comes tot he average lifespan of implants, there is no clear answer. Our surgeons advise to have older implants changed after 10 years.

Your breast implants may not be ruptured yet, but it might be wise to have your breast implants replaced with new one, because implants are subject to wear and tear.

Most manufacturer offer a warranty of 10 years on their breast prosthesis.

More recent implants should be checked once a year as from 10 years after the surgery onwards, by means of an ultrasound. Also a MRI is a good way to examen the condition of your breast implants.

What does it cost to have a your breast implants changed?

There is no additional price charged for the removal of the old implants. This means that the breast implants replacement is performed at the same price as an “initial” breast augmentation.

Where will my new breast implants be placed?

In principle the new breast implants will be placed in the same way the initial implants were placed. If the initial implants were placed on top of the chest muscle, then the new implants will again be placed on top of the muscle.

If your first breast prosthesis were placed underneath the chest muscle, then the new ones will also be place underneath the chest muscle.

What size of implants could I go up to?

When using the same size of breast implants your seconday breast augmentation will be a straightforward procedure.

Having your breast implants changed by much bigger ones, will be a quite painful procedure.

Having your breast implants changed by much smaller implants won’t be easy, because the pocket for the implant should be made smaller.

What incision will the surgeon use?

Our surgeons prefer to make the incision in the breast fold, because this is the easiest access to fit implants. Also bigger implants could be fitted this way, which is not possible with incisions elsewhere.

Which implants will be fitted when capsular contracture occurs?

Capsulare contractur is a common known problem when breast implants are fitted. A breast should always be soft and flexible. Capsular contracture can cause your breast to change shape and become harder.

You can get treatment to correct this contracture. In some cases an additional cost will be charged for the removal of capsular contracture.

When implants are renewed during this treatment, a slightly bigger implant will be put in place, because the pocket will be enlarged a bit by removing the contracture.

Breast: Prices in Euros

Breast enlargement with cohesive gel silicone-filled implants with micro textured surface from 200 cc to 600 cc 3300
VAT incl.
Replacement breast implants 3300
VAT incl.
Breast reduction 3600 – 4950
VAT incl.
Breast uplift without implants 3600 – 4650
VAT incl.
Breast uplift with implants 5950 - 6950
VAT incl.
Capsular contracture Additional cost of 950
VAT incl.

Patient reviews

Mother & daughter at Clinic Beaucare Brussels

By Claire on 14/09/2016
Since returning to the UK, many friends have asked if I would recommend clinic BeauCare for a cosmetic surgery experience and I have said yes every time!
Mother & daughter at Clinic Beaucare Brussels

I came to your clinic on September 10th with my mother.  She had upper eyelid surgery and I had a breast augmentation.  Two weeks on we are both recovering well and so far very pleased with the results!

I would like to express on behalf of us both how pleased we were with the treatment we received at your clinic.  Prior to our journey to Brussels, we had quite a few telephone conversations and emails with yourselves, each time our questions were answered and you were very polite.  Upon our arrival, everyone was very friendly, professional and reassuring.  I was particularly nervous, having never had an anaesthetic before, but the surgeon and anaesthetist helped to calm my fears.  We received good care after the surgery had taken place until we left the clinic - in a taxi ordered by yourselves.

Since returning to the UK, many friends have asked if I would recommend clinic BeauCare for a cosmetic surgery experience and I have said yes every time!

Kind regards


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