Home Surgeries S-lift

Altough this is a natural part of growing older, patients may be bothered by a sagging neck. They may find a neck lift a good solution.

Both skin and underlaying muscles of the neck will be tightened.

Neck LIFT: THE technique

The plastic surgeon will make an incision behind your ear. In some cases also a small incision under the chin is made, in order to remove the excess skin and accumulated fat.

A neck lift is mostly combined with a mini facelift, in order to achieve a nice result.

Often a neck lift is performed using local anesthesia.

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Neck lift: post operation treatment

After the neck correction the treated area is wrapped in bandages, in order to reduce swelling of the neck.

Both your face and neck will be bruised after the necklift. This side effect will usually go away within two weeks.

Therefore it is advised to take one week off work, in order to recover quitly and to avoid social contacts.

It is advised against to bath, sunbath or to take a sauna for the first six weeks after the neck correction.

Scars will be quite noticible at first, but will fade away over the following months. Once scars are fully closed you may start applying scar cream and massaging of the scars.

Neck lift: risks

A neck lift involves a certain amount of risk, as every other surgical procedure. It is important that you understand these risks and the complications which are possiblly associated with them.

During the consultation with our plastic surgeon you will be well informed about these risks.

There is a slight chance on experiencing a bleeding after a necklift. It might be necessary to drain the accumulated blood.

Should an infection after a neck lift occur, then antibiotics would be given.

It is common to experience diminished (or loss) of skin sensation in the area that has been treated by the surgery. in most cases the skin sensation will resolve.

Delayed wound healing is possible when having had a neck lift. Some areas of the face may not heal normally and may take a long time to heal. Smokers have a greater risk of wound healing complications, because smoking causes blood vessels to narrow. Therefor it is very important to stop smoking six weeks before and six weeks after having a surgical procedure done.

Face: Prices in Euros

Mini facelift (S-lift) 3450 – 3920
VAT incl.
Mini facelift + upper eyelids 4350
VAT incl.
Mini facelift + lower eyelids 4650
VAT incl.
Mini facelift + upper & lower eyelids 5250
VAT incl.
Neck correction 2950
VAT incl.
Mini facelift + neck correction 4950
VAT incl.
Mini facelift + neck correction + upper & lower eyelids 6950
VAT incl.
Mini facelift + neck correction + upper eyelids 5950
VAT incl.
Lipo neck (if in combination with facelift) 800
VAT incl.
Local/general anaesthesia: to be discussed

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