Home Surgeries Lipopanty


You can go home the day of the procedure. During the first few hours after the liposculpture the wounds may release fluid which was injected during the procedure. This fluid loss will stop spontaneously after a few hours.

Just after the liposculpture you will be fitted with a special lipopanty. This pressure garment prevents the most severe swelling and must be worn four to six weeks. When showering, you can remove the lipopanty but it is recommended that you wait 24 hours.

Just as there is a stimulating effect from lymph drainage (massage to activate fluid circulation) before liposculpture, lymph drainage is also recommended after the procedure. Lymph drainage accelerates removal of fluid and reduction in swelling.

The lipopanty will also improve your figure.

After a week you can reassume your daily activities in a normal way. You should, however, avoid intensive sports during the first four weeks and initially shelter from the sun.

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Thanks to the positive effects of lymph drainage and lipopanty, the swelling will disappear within an average of 12 weeks and then you will be able to admire the results of the “lipo”.The skin will retract within 3 to 6 months over the new contours and readapt to the new silhouette.

Possible scars are minimal and will become practically invisible over time. The result of liposculpture is permanent. The human body stops producing fat cells after puberty.

Liposculpture removes just these cells, which guarantees lasting results. The residual fat cells can still swell up because of wrong eating habits. Hence, a different lifestyle is recommended.

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