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About the replacement of breast implants
Lots of women make appointment at Clinic BeauCare to discuss the lifetime of their breast implants. Althoug breast implants don’t actually expire, they don’t last a lifetime.
Over the last decade many types of implants have been used.
Checkup breast implants
It is advised to have your breast implants checked on a regular basis and have implants changed if necessary.
There is no average duration of breast implants.
With regards to older implants we advise to have them changed after 10 years. Possibly your implants are still intact, but because implants tend to wear, we advise to have your implants replaced.
Actually manufacturers offer 10 year warranty on their breast implants.
With regards to more recent breast: they should be checked by means of ultrasound. You should off course follow instruction of your gynecologist regarding this matter.
Both ultrasound and MRI are recommended techniques to check the condition of your breast implants.
The BeauCare quality
When should breast implants be replaced?
Signs that replacement or removal of breast implants is necessary:
- Severe capsular contracture: Some women develop capsular contracture, or hardened scar tissue around one or both implants. Capsular contracture may cause tightness, pain, tenderness and abnormal cosmetic changes to the breasts,
- Older implants,
- Leakage of implant or rupture,
- Breasts which have become less firm, due to weight loss or pregnancy,
- Unhapiness with the implant size.
Contact our clinic
If you’re bothered by pain, change in position or wrinkles you are adviced to contact our plastic surgeon. During an initial consultation our doctor will evaluate the state of your current implants and discuss your surgical options.
Our doctor may need results of an ultrasound, in order to make the right diagnosis.
Differences with your initial breast augmentation
There are some slight differences with your first breast augmentation.
Incision when breast implants are renewed
When replacing breast implants you already have a scar of the first breast augmentation. Our plastic surgeon prefers to use the same incision, in order not to get more scars.
Implant position in case of secondary breast augmentation
When having your breast implants replaced we may state that implants which were placed initially under the breast muscle, will again be placed under the muscle. Breast implants which were placed initially above the muscle will be replaced with implant above the muscle.
Size of the implant when beast implants are renewed
One of the most commonly cited reasons for breast implant replacement is the size and shape.
When bigger implants are used for your new procedure, you will again be in pain for the first week. Using the same size will cause discomfort, rather than pain.
When your breast implants are replaced with smaller ones, this may be a difficult procedure, because the pocket which was made initilally should be narrowed.
If apart from replacement you also need to have hardened or lumpy tissue removed, it is advised to have slightly bigger implants, because the pocket may have widened.
Breast: Prices in Euros
Breast enlargement with cohesive gel silicone-filled implants with micro textured surface from 200 cc to 600 cc |
3300 € VAT incl. |
Replacement breast implants |
3300 € VAT incl. |
Breast reduction |
3600 – 4950 € VAT incl. |
Breast uplift without implants |
3600 – 4650 € VAT incl. |
Breast uplift with implants |
5950 - 6950 € VAT incl. |
Capsular contracture |
Additional cost of 950 € VAT incl. |