Home Surgeries Capsular contracture


The so-called ‘silicone breasts’ are very quickly experienced as a part of the body. However, the human body does react to the insertion of breast implants or silicone breasts. The silicone can cause capsular contracture, or create a connective tissue layer around the breast implant. This is actually a normal reaction to a foreign object which is implanted in the body.

For reasons still unclear, this capsule can become thicker and contract. This is harmless from a medical point of view, but in 1 to 5% of all cases it makes the silicone breast unnaturally round and firm. Calcifications may also occur. Consequently, capsular contracture can be a reason to surgically clean out the capsule and possibly replace the breast implant.

The type as well as the filling of the breast implant influences the risk of capsular contracture. On the one hand, the use of smooth surfaced breast prostheses will lead to capsular contracture in 30% of the cases. The risk is reduced to 7% when the smooth walled silicone is placed under the breast muscle. Coarse silicone involves only a 2 to 3% risk of capsular contracture. With this type of breast prostheses, the positioning above or below the breast muscle does not make a difference.

On the other hand, there is a bigger risk of capsular contracture with liquid silicone breast than with a silicone prosthesis filled with cohesive gel. Therefore, you run the least risk of capsular contracture with coarse silicone filled with cohesive gel. This is why Clinic BeauCare prefers this type of breast implant.

At Clinic BeauCare, the plastic surgeons only advise micro-textured breast implants.

Patient reviews

My breast enlargement

By Remie Markus on 18/02/2016
My name is Remie, I live in The Netherlands and I always wanted to make my breasts larger. My problem is that I have always had a great fear for hospitals.
My breast enlargement

I had the impression that I was in a spa resort. It was very nice and the whole place was luxury and gave tranquility. At the back you can see a beautiful park. You think you are in a 5 star hotel and not in a hospital or clinic.

Dr. Wim Danau inspected my breasts. One breast was larger and the other smaller. He gave me the advice left 390cc and right 430cc. With round implants he thought this fits the best to me.

On February 17. I was at Beau Care to remove the stitches. This can also be done by your
local doctor or nurse.

I am very happy with my new breasts. They look great, well rounded and full. And left and right are the same size.

Read here all the review by Remie (PDF letter)


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