
At Clinic BeauCare we work with breast implants of last generation, filled with cohesive silicone gel. These breast implants are found to be safe because implants which are filled with cohesive gel excludes silicone leakage. Therefore the silicone can’t diffuse into your body.

To choose between different breast implant textures

There is a variaty of breast implant textures. You can choose between smooth or textured breast implants and round or drop-formed implants. Although breast implants seem extremely natural, your body may consider them to be a foreign object. Your body may reject the silicone implant and form a capsule round the implant. Some breast implant textures influence the risk of capsular contracture.

Capsule round the breast implant

The importance of breast implant textures keeps being discussed. The breast implant textures would help the struggle against a periprosthetic retraction (formation of capsule round the breast implant). The breast implant textures also offer a better connection to the tissues without being agressive. Breast implants which are well fitted will help to reduce the risk of capsular contracture. This will also limit the risk of rotation for an anatomical implant.

Different breast implant textures

There is a range of breast implant textures (micro or macro textures) and smooth breast implants.
By doctor

Nathalie Bricout :

In order for the user to understand the range difference of the implant textures, standard criteria should be used. First you have the physical aspects of implants (height, diameter) and biological consequences : tissue connexion by cell colonization.

Smooth breast implants consists of an envelop which is soaked in different steps. Solvents will get evaporated before soaking the next layer, and then at a certain moment a final layer. This product is then put in an oven (silicone HTV).

The way of fabrication and the definitions of breast implant textures are different from one manufacturer to another. There are no standard qualifications, but an experienced plastic surgeon will be able to explain you the different types of breast implant textures.
