Home Bariatric surgery – diastasis and tummy tuck

Bariatric surgery includes a variety of procedures performed on people who have obesity, in order to perform weight loss. Being overweight is common and can cause severe health problems.

The three most frequently performed procedures are the gastric band, gastric bypass and stomach shrinking surgery.

These surgeries are not performed at Clinic BeauCare. An abdominal surgeon specializes in these types of surgeries.

A couple of months after having had the bariatric surgery, patients often look to have plastic surgery done. Bariatric surgery often results in a lot of excess skin and also the diastis recti is quite common (also known as abdominal separation).

A tummy tuck can solve the diastis problem and can be discussed with our surgeon at Clinic BeauCare.

Diastasis of the abdominal muscles also often occurs after a pregnancy. The skin of the belly is often stretched and is left with excessive skin after baraiatric surgery or pregnancy. Therefor liposculpture is not sufficient to improve the look of the belly, one would need a tummy tuck in order to tighten the belly.


The outcome of a tummy tuck is remarkable ! The abdominal wall tightening will also improve your daily comfort. Your belly will be much nicer. The belly will no longer be prominent, droopy and will be reduced.

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