Home Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Why eyelid surgery ?

Eyes are the most expressive element in our face. They show our state of mind. That is why many people find it important to keep the look in their eyes young and alert.

The reason why the skin in the area around the eyes sags is because the elasticity of the connective tissue diminishes due to the natural ageing process of the body. The skin loses its elasticity and firmness, gets detached from the underlying layer and starts to sag.

With ageing the skin around the eyes becomes thinner and weaker. Also hereditary factors can be responsible for this. Due to all this excess skin is formed in both upper and lower eyelids.

First appointment

As an eyelid correction is precision work the surgeon at the BeauCare clinic will perform the operation with the greatest care. He will see to it that the eyelids are corrected without changing the expression. As this is part of the personality of the face it must not be altered.

During a first appointment you will be able to discuss pro and cons, risks and expectations with one of our experienced surgeons. The doctor will ask you questions about your medical history, your general health, your wishes and expectations.

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The treatment / Surgery

1. Upper eyelid correction

With the upper eyelids the problem is that excess skin becomes visible as it starts to droop. At first only a fold becomes visible, but if this gets worse, the fold can even hang over the eyelashes and obstruct or block the view. Many people who have this problem experience tiredness of the eyes or need to constantly raise their eyebrows in order to see normally.

Surgery lasts about an hour and takes places under a local anaesthetic. The surgeon meticulously marks the amount of eyelid skin that needs to be removed. Via a thin incision in a natural skin fold above the eye the excess skin and excess fat are then removed.

During the operation the capillaries are seared and the incision is stitched. The tiny scars will be within the natural fold of the upper eyelid, so they will be hardly visible or invisible.

2. Lower eyelid correction (bags under the eyes)

Thickening of the lower eyelid, the so called ‘bags’ give the face a tired and weary expression. The most important cause for eye bags is locally accumulated fat tissue. There are several fat pockets in the surrounding eye area to protect the eye in the eye socket. With some people who have a hereditary tendency for too much fat accumulation in these pockets it can start bulging forward already at a young age.

Also at a later age normal amounts of fat can start protruding. As fluid is easily accumulated in this fat tissue, the size of the bags can vary. The lower eyelids can look particularly swollen in the morning and in times of fatigue. When this happens regularly or when the swelling is substantial, there is a risk of stretching the skin too much.

This lower eyelid correction takes place under a local anaesthetic or local anesthesia with sedation, but in general less skin is removed. When there is too much skin that needs to be removed from the lower eyelids then an incision is made immediately below the eyelashes. Excess skin and fat tissue are removed and the wound is closed with a thin type of thread. The stitches will be underneath the eyelashes, but a tiny scar will remain that will become invisible.

Post surgery

Thickening of the lower eyelid, the so called ‘bags’ give the face a tired and weary expression. The most important cause for eye bags is locally accumulated fat tissue. There are several fat pockets in the surrounding eye area to protect the eye in the eye socket. With some people who have a hereditary tendency for too much fat accumulation in these pockets it can start bulging forward already at a young age.

Also at a later age normal amounts of fat can start protruding. As fluid is easily accumulated in this fat tissue, the size of the bags can vary. The eyelids can look particularly swollen in the morning and in times of fatigue. When this happens regularly or when the swelling is substantial, there is a risk of stretching the skin too much.

A lower eyelid correction takes place under a local anaesthetic. When there is much skin that needs to be removed from the lower eyelids then an incision is made immediately below the eyelashes. Excess skin and fat tissue are removed and the wound is closed with a thin type of thread. The stitches will be underneath the eyelashes, but a tiny scar will remain that will become invisible.

Post blepharoplasty

After an eyelid surgery you can go home immediately. It is important to put a cold pack or compresses on the eyes from time to time. This will lessen the swelling and the bruising and make them disappear after about a week to ten days.

In the meantime large sunglasses can be helpful as a form of camouflage.

If stitches need to be removed, this will be on day 5 or day 7 or according to the surgeon’s instructions. From then onwards you can start using make up again. After a correction of the upper eyelid you can start wearing contact lenses after a day or so. The results here are amazing. With a correction of the lower eyelids contact lenses can be worn after about 1 week. Results are visible in 3 weeks.

We hope the above explanation has given you a general idea about eyelid surgery and hope to welcome you in person soon for more individual advice.

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