The main reasons for ageing of the face are the lowering of the facial structures and the development of wrinkles. Weakening of the skin tissue and sagging of the sub skin tissue play an important role. Sub skin muscles and fat change place and it is this change of structure that is responsible for the ageing ‘look’.
Aptos lift
This revolutionary method was developed to gently correct jaws and neckline that have lost their firmness. The dream of being able to lift the skin a little and fasten it higher up can now be accomplished thanks to special threads with barbs on them that are placed under the skin with the help of a needle. This originally Russian invention is known as APTOS threads (from A PTOSE i.e. against sagging). After having undergone a number of improvements this suspension system has now become an effective technique and is often used to avoid surgery.
What exactly are Aptos threads?
Aptos threads are fine non-dissolvable propylene threads with microscopic barbs. Propylene has been used as non – dissolvable sutures in heart surgery, neuro surgery and abdominal surgery. It does not react with the body (so there is no risk of allergic reaction). The microscopic barbs allow for the sagging skin to be lifted and to be suspended back in place ensuring a youthful and vital radiant look. As a fibrin reaction around the threads takes place over the following 12 to 18 months the result will improve even more during this period of time.
The Aptos lift was developed in Moscow in 1998 and has since constantly been improved.
Which zones can be treated?
Generally speaking there are 3 treatment zones:
– The lower jaw line: the lower jaw and a part of the front of the neck are lifted. The fold in the corner of the mouth will diminish.
– The cheeks and the nose to lip fold: sagging/hanging cheeks are lifted back into their original position. The nose to lip fold will be much less visible.
– Eyebrows and forehead: eyes will look bigger adding more vitality to the look.
The treatment
The Aptos lift lasts about one hour.
First the skin is disinfected and lines are drawn to mark the places where Aptos threads will be placed. The local anaesthetic is administered with a few injections. A unique suspension system to which the treads are to be attached is then put in place. A hollow needle is used to insert the threads:
– The lower pair of threads lifts the jaw line, the corner of the mouth fold and the front part of the neck.
– The middle pair of threads lifts the cheeks and the nose to lip fold back into their original place.
– The upper pair of threads lifts the side of the eyebrows and the forehead.
This accounts for a very natural lifting effect of the front part of the neck, the lower jaw, the cheeks and the brows without the need of any surgery or scars.
After this there is some fine tuning near the middle hairline. By pulling the three pairs of propylene threads the height of the lower jaw line, cheeks and eyebrows are determined in turn.
Finally the edges of the Aptos threads are cut off in such a way that the ends remain safely underneath the skin, without being seen or felt
The result of an Aptos lift can be seen immediately and will even continue to improve the next 12 to 18 months.
– No scars are to be seen, no stitches need to be removed and no bandaging is required.
– You can go home immediately after the Aptos lift (with someone to take you home).
– You can usually resume work 1 week after the Aptoslift.